
Everyone Should Know Regarding Growing older

The death of a spouse is most likely the most traumatic event in an aging person’s life. From funeral arrangements to debt management, an elderly person will require help from family and loved ones. In this article, we will show you ways that you can be of service during this stressful time. Embrace your gray [...]

Mobile phone review

Just five years ago the name “smart phone” didnt conjure up any extraordinary feelings of phone that was too different than the run of the mill crowd. Flash forward to 2011, Google, Apple, and Microsoft are selling their smart phones at a rate of almost one million activations a day. The flip phone with push [...]

Balady NoteBooks

Apparently Dr. Drew wasn’t busy enough hosting 17 different TV shows, because he went and launched Greenroom, a website where you can

Apparently Dr. Drew wasn’t busy enough

Much like Tom Haverford, we’re all about amenities. Tiny cereal boxes, free wi-fi, rad shower caps, you name it. That’s why we appreciate a bar that gives you something extra on top of the standard booze and good company. We’re sure you do, too, so we rounded up spots from all over the nation (and [...]

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